Sorry Guys, We've Been Lied To.

I'm sorry to say it guys... But we've all been lied to.

If there is one major lesson I learned from Cuba, it is this:

Nothing you own will give you happiness... Not your home, not your job, not your bank account. Not even your surroundings can give you happiness.

It can only come from inside of you.

For I have seen the most vivid and genuine happiness in the poorest places my eyes have ever laid eyes on, and it was because of one thing: Relationships. Their families and friendships. Their husbands, their wives, their children. These are how they measure their success and how they determine their happiness. And their hearts overflow with joy by just spending intimate moments of life alongside them.

So, when you think you don't have a single reason to be happy... Please try to simplify your life enough to focus on the things that really matter. By paying attention, you can start to notice how many things (that cost absolutely nothing) give you long lasting joy and love in your heart.

Then be grateful for them.
