I have a lot of people that think I am so optimistic/positive because I have traveled the world and found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That, somewhere out there, I have found the meaning of my life and how to make sense of something that makes no sense at all.
But that's not true. I actually have no clue what I'm doing and never have. And I certainly haven't actually found anything at all that I didn't have within me the whole time.
Let me explain.
It took me half of my lifetime, of chasing dreams and purpose anywhere around the world that I could possibly find it. It took me asking ten thousand questions to ten thousand people to find what I know today.
And here it is. Here's the reason I am so optimistic.
I have found that truly nothing does make sense.
No one has a single clue what they're doing and everyone is trying to find peace with the uncertainty. A lot of that will be found in people having their own family, which immediately makes life make sense because it's not about them anymore. More so over the last couple years, people are more vulnerable than ever and these fears can create insecurity - So give them forgiveness for that.
Because nothing does make sense and no one truly does know what they're doing - It allowed me to throw away the rule book and write my own.
Here's what's in my rule book so far:
First, give yourself the time to truly find out who you are. By yourself. On your own. Have fun with it. Work through the stuff hidden underneath - We ALL have it - And if you don't give yourself the time to work through what's underneath, it will 100% negatively affect you until the day you die. But, when you turn and face it, you find out you are much stronger than you thought... And, even better, you will also find that almost all of those fears were just a mirage. If not all of them. (Write as much as you can during all of this)
Once you know yourself, you can be genuine. Be fiercely authentic. Be fearlessly yourself. No one is judging you for being yourself - In fact, it inspires them to be more like the person they want to be. How do you judge someone that is genuine? To do so would only be an insecurity and that makes it very easy to deal with.
As a part of being genuine, GIVE with no expectations of any return. Tell your friends you love them every time you talk. Call your parents for long conversations, even if you have no clue what to talk about. Tell that girl or guy how you really feel about them and put your heart on the line - Life is stupidly short for anything else - And let go of the rest (Yes, this can be easier said than done at times).
Be clear and intentional with your words.
Show affection. Give affection.
Tell people who are close to you what you're thinking and truly listen to them when they do the same. Learn together. Grow together. Be together.
Then, just get out there and just live. Take care of your body and mind as much as you physically can - You need ALL of it to be in as good of shape as possible. Explore. Be curious as hell. Take a hike with your notepad and don't tell a single person. Take lots of chances and fail at all of them... Until you don't anymore. Be good to one another - Even if it's not returned to you. (And, as a part of this, do not tolerate anyone in your life who disrespects you or your heart).
Tell your friends when you need them to listen. And listen to them when they do the same.
Shut off the distractions. Get off the drugs.
Life is more beautiful than I can put into words because of all these things mentioned above and all you have to do is see it for yourself.
I'm sorry to say it but there is no light at the end of the tunnel. There's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But, when you live like this, you realized you were already there the whole time - You were born in the pot of gold and all you have to do is notice whats already around you to see that.
Pour your heart into the world. We all need it. I promise you one thing more than anything else - You will ALWAYS get it back and so much more in return.
Give us that heart.
Love you all.