How to build the deepest relationships possible?

I will teach you one of the simplest ways to deepen and protect the relationships in your life.

Do not ever, under any circumstances, flake on the day of a commitment you made.


Barring an actual emergency or act of God, do not ever do it. Not even once.

Woke up feeling tired? Still arrive at the time you said you would.

Hungover? Still show up at the time you said you would.

Nervous? Scared? Still show up at the time you said you would.

Something better came up? Oh well, still be there at the right time.

If you absolutely need to re-schedule, call that person. Talk to them. Do not just send a text message.

There is a new epidemic of people being so hard to be dependable on commitments they have made and it's destroying relationships. Flaking is what kids do, when they don't yet know the ramifications of acting like that.

You're not a kid. You're an adult.

It is absolutely critical that your friends know that they can depend on you. That you will do what you said you would do... And there can never be a crack in that. If your friends know they can depend on you, you will immediately become one of the closest relationships in their lives and the roots will continue to deepen.

How do you avoid over-committing?

Boundaries are sexy.

Be truthful with yourself and the other person.

If you need to reschedule, do it with plenty of time... Do not do it last minute. And again, do it by calling that person.

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

We all want the relationships in our lives that we can really trust. Be that person for yourself and for others and you will always attract the same level of maturity and strength in those that are around you.