Life is a movie and all you have to do is direct each day.

Life is a movie and all you need to do is direct each day to keep creating the film you hope to live in.

The world, as it is, is more complex, interesting, textured, chaotic, beautiful, heartbreaking and perfect than anything you could ask for. It’s full of so much love, darkness, compassion, mystery, fear, and humanity. All at once.

Because of this, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see.

And, by going into it, you can see yourself from 10,000 different new perspectives, all just by swimming in the waters that are always changing around you.

Lifes happening around you all the time, every single moment.

There is change in every single second that unfolds all around us. The world is truly never the same if you do so much as blink your eyes only once.

But that is not written to give you a sense of dread.

If anything, it should give you nothing but serene peace and awe… Knowing full well that you cannot resist or stop any of it if you tried.

You shouldn’t even want to though.

For, in change, there is always new growth that emerges. And those that are not watered by experience are going to wither away and die in stagnation. Their roots are far too shallow to dig deep enough to find the reservoir that is always full of the clean water you need the most.

We all need to constantly be molded by your experience and by the world around you. And, no matter what you need most, there is always something out there for you.

That is why we only feel our deepest and longest depressions when we are sitting still at home, wrapped in a perpetual comfort. That’s the only place we have the time to craft the tragedy that we choose to focus on, letting the present moment melt away in imagination.

But, out here, nothing can really be that bad because you are aware there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it.

Because of that, there is only acceptance out here. So, instead of trying to control it, you just sit there and watch.

You observe.

Watching the world go by, without a single thing to hold on to.

For it’s not about being afraid of the deep dark ocean, it’s about learning how well you can swim in it despite.

To keep seeing yourself as being able to navigate it’s swift currents and always rise above the tide as it moves.

No, you cannot stop the water from flowing but you can make damn sure you can always see it coming. Even better, you’ll find you’re strong enough that you can even stand up in the fast moving rapids and just watch it all swirl around you.

Watch how it moves for you.