Many of you know that I love just getting in my car and going.
No direction, no clue where - Just going. I have been doing it since I was 16 years old and I first got my drivers license and spent a long, long time on the road... searching for nothing and everything at the same time. And it helped me create a life I could have never dreamed of - And you can do the same.
So I wanted to write a word for the aspiring artists out there.
The thinkers, the dreamers, the photographers and musicians, the writers. Those with something to say but have no clue how to make a life out of it.
You need to do the same. I did not become an artist because I was born with some talent that anyone else wasn't. I didn't go to school for photography. I never had any money. I saved up the money for my first camera when I was waiting tables at a restaurant.
I became an artist because I put myself in all of these aesthetic and new experiences to see what it would bring out of me.
That's it.
I put myself in as many new and interesting places as I could, with no goal in mind, just to see what it would bring out of me. I was a landscape photographer when I used to sleep in parks and on the beach. I became a portrait photographer when I got curious about cities and people. Who knows what I will evolve into next.
And I became a writer just to make sense of all these new experiences and try to grow in my thinking, as well as my personal life.
That's it. You have every single tool that I do, I promise you. Those dreams you have? They're out there. But they are not going to come to you while you're staring at a screen or busy in routines. And, even if they did, you're not going to be able to hear and make sense of them until you quiet the noise and tune in the antenna.
And what do you do when you finally found something that inspires you? Pursue it. Follow it. See what you can create with it. See what comes out of you.
There is ABSOLUTELY no right or wrong during this process. Just create what you are feeling inspired to create there.
Then let it out there for the world to see and let go of the rest. It is not your job to please the world with your art. That's not the goal and has never been. It's your job to create something unique, something pure to you, and let it out there for us all to notice.
This is the path towards a fulfilled life. Now, get out there and find it.